‘Let’s get mental’ just doesn’t have the same positive, welcoming and wonderful ring as Olivia Newton John’s seminal anthem…
Why? Read more here.
‘Let’s get mental’ just doesn’t have the same positive, welcoming and wonderful ring as Olivia Newton John’s seminal anthem…
Why? Read more here.
Nike got away with their touching tribute to Colin Kaepernick because they celebrated a rebel, going against the grain and pioneering a free independent POV. Gillette got it very wrong…
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So, Beyonce and Jay-Z have helped set The Louvre set a new world record, all thanks to their last video. It’s a personal fascination to follow their rise to a position not many from their race have enjoyed. What’s more enjoyable is how they’re contrasting this place of wealth and privilege, and most of all, with clever commentary on history.
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Japan is very cute. No really, it is.
Like a religion, it’s widely embraced and widely impactful. Almost 90% of public instructions are communicated through cute visuals. Absolute pop-culture permeation through entertainment, clothing, food, toys, personal appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.
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Observed in Japan. Serving up some thoughts asap. Don't forget your fries.
Coming soon.
When does art become pop? Gaga? Escher? Koons?
Does art have to loose it's credibitliy to become a brand?
Coming soon.